Questionnaire design
Net-Survey allows you to quickly design any questionnaire. Net-Survey provides an ultra-friendly interface to create your survey. Thanks to a revolutionary architecture that automatically generates the form from your list of questions, Net-Survey allows you to start your questionnaire by focusing first on the essential, the questions you want ask.
- Easily enter any questions: single or multiple choice (in drop-down list or checkboxes), numeric, date, time, free text …
- Use the assistant to create faster your questionnaire : direct loading of questionnaires Ethnos, loading of answers lists from your office tools …
- Quickly create tables : grouping of questions of the same type or different types of compact tables, facilitating the entry of answers.
- Insert predefined items : separation lines, images, navigation bar, automatic summary, page breaks …
- Set lists of contextual answers : for example, a list of subsidiaries selected by country or a list of functions according to the department chosen.
- Check the filling of the questionnaire : required questions, managing conditional path from page to page, controls inter-questions to prohibit or allow questions …
- Customize your questions : dynamic insertion of the name or characteristics of the recipient, reminder of an answer to a previous question …
- Link your questions to your database of historical to save the current question of your questionnaires.
- Insert dynamic calculations simple or sophisticated : summations, differences or changes between different waves, use of dynamic and continuous scores (exchange rate …)
- Insert analysis and dynamic graphics : analysis on responses of the questionnaire or on inter-variable calculations, real-time compare to the answers given by other entities (average, min, max…)
Automatic generation
Net-Survey can proceed to an automatically layout of your questionnaire which can be distributed as is. However, it is fully customizable to your tastes and standards of your organization.
- Use your graphic : instant application of pre-defined templates, inserting the form into a frameset…
- Quickly apply your changes : global change default formats of questions and answers, management styles …
- Enhance the presentation : color, bills of fount, position and format of answers (across or below the question, drop-down list or check boxes, arranged on one or more columns); management of sections multi-column …
- Add external elements : inserting images gif or jpeg (with ability to manage arrays of images), add explanatory text, existing HTML …
- Attach some questions to your external models : dynamic injection of answers zones in your HTML templates (for complex tables, presentations chart type …)
Net-Survey manages the provision of the questionnaire to your correspondents.
Your form is ready. Only one click of a button is necessary for Net-Survey to do the installation on a website or intranet. It can also send it by mail to your correspondents.
- Manage a database of correspondents : you can create the database or import it from an external file (Excel, dBase, Text …); Manage individual passwords for each operation.
- Just one click to install : integrated management of the copy of the form and the associated program (CGI) in ftp format on a remote website.
- Just one click to sent : sending by mail of the form or an information message indicating the address where the questionnaire is available ; you can send off individualy or in group with customized message indicating the username and password individual password.
- Just one click to collect the answers : Automatic management of the updating at any time of the answers’ file (Ethnos format) in ftp or http format ; receipt by mail and automatic consolidation of answers to questionnaires sent by mail initially.
Results and analysis
Whatever the method used (questionnaire sent or installed), the resulting file created in real time or consolidated from the answers received is directly recorded in the standard Ethnos format. It can be analyzed immediately without the intervention of the user on data …
- Display results right away : you can prepare in advance a model of Ethnos report applicable at anytime on retrieved data.
- Explore your data : hundreds of processing, graphics and statistical analysis applicable on your data with Ethnos and Stat’Mania.
- Export your data or your results : export direct from Net-Survey data in Excel or ASCII ; export of results and reports from Ethnos to Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Csv, Gif, Jpeg, (WMF images, editable in the office tools).
- Follow the evolution of the answers online : perform online and at any time statistics on the current file from your browser.
- Automate the generation of results : program the calculation and the generation of regular reports (every x minutes, every day, every new answer …) and their dynamic and structured development on a website or Intranet for browsing.
- You can also use Survey-Manager, our complete Net-survey questionnaire survey management platform.