Manage all your survey projects from a single platform in a very efficient and simple way

Marketing research is now evolving in a very fast way while upgrading its methods and tools. The classical approaches such as web surveys, CATI (telephone surveys), Panels or focus groups are still widely used. However, in this new digital era, new and ultra-innovative procedures are boosting these classical methods.

Survey-Manager is a unique and powerful tool, that allows you to manage all types of surveys in a single integrated platform.

Plateforme Survey Manager

How can I really take advantage of Survey Manager potential?

Survey-Manager is a centralized platform that allows you to easily monitor all your deployed surveys, manage all your correspondents and define all actions, and finally, allow you to automatically synchronize all data with the mobile devices. Survey-Manager helps you manage at the same time all your web, mobile, phone and panel surveys. You will be able to run an omnichannel survey by using every available mean to obtain a maximum amount of information and data. This one of a kind platform opens a new range of capacities such as the possibility to complete a phone survey by sending it directly to the respondent or simply sending a complementary satisfaction questionnaire by email.

All collected data will be available immediately for real-time analysis in our statistical tools. Your data can also be easily exported into your in-house applications. 

To whom does Survey Manager apply?

Survey-Manager can be used in many fields: satisfaction surveys, marketing research, telephone surveys (CATI), internal and external panels, quality audits, brand and product audit, mystery shopping, field research, sensory analysis, mobile surveys on smartphones and tablets…


Based on Survey-Manager, CATI-Web allows you to easily conduct telephone surveys with an unlimited number of operators, on a call center, or from any computer with an internet connection, with no previous installation. This solution integrates the analysis and reporting software Ethnos, which allows the creation of high quality real-time graphic analysis and reports.
Learn more about CATI-Web...

Enquêtes téléphoniques
Gestion de panel


The solution will help you easily create and manage all your clients, prospects, contributors and panelist database. Monitor in real-time the evolution of their satisfaction, opinions and tastes… with PANEL-Web, you will be able to manage all your panel interactions, obtain punctual or regular data updates, and perform quick actions on a sample or the whole panel.
Learn more about PANEL-Web…

Mobile Surveys

Mobi-Survey is a revolutionary solution for creating and diffusing mobile surveys on tablets and smartphones in only a few minutes and without any in-house development. These data collection tools can operate in an online and offline mode.
Survey-Manager Survey Manager allows you to monitor every active and inactive deployed survey and to automatically synchronize data with the mobile devices.
Learn more about Mobi-Survey…


Only 10 minutes* to create your questionnaire or form, and deploy them on mobile devices

* average time for a 20 questions/fields questionnaire or form

  • Characteristics

    Create your questionnaire or form with Net-Survey M

    - Launch Net-Survey M on your PC and simply enter your questions and answers,
    - Choose the type of question (single or multiple choice, numerical, date, hour, calculation, image capture, sound or video, barcodes, gps coordinates…),
    - Insert form feeds to separate questions and choose your inter-questions controls quotas…
    - Generate with a single click a zip file with the survey to be deployed.

    Your questionnaire is ready. 

    Publish your questionnaire or form on the Survey-Manager M platform

    - Launch Survey Manager M the online platform for surveys monitoring from your browser,
    - Click on “Add a survey” and select the deployment file prepared by Net-Survey M,
    - Validate all to visualize your new survey in your survey list on the server.

    Your questionnaire is already installed on the server. 

    Authorize certain users on mobile devices

    - Automatically send your survey code to your previously selected correspondents to allow them to connect themselves (mail or text message request),
    - It becomes even easier with active users: simply choose the survey for it to be automatically shown on the next synchronization.

    Your questionnaire can now be accessed with a single click on any mobile device.

Join the big Survey-Manager users’ community and get ready to create multichannel surveys.

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